Wednesday Morning Concurrent Sessions
October 22, 2014
Session 1: 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM
Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response
Occurrence of Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Veligers in Residual Water from Minnesota Watercraft
Gary Montz, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Division of Ecological and Water Resources
Toward Forecasting Microbial Invasions in the Great Lakes
Randall E. Hicks*1, Andrew J. Reed2, Brian J. Badgley3, Caitlin M. Sloan1, and Michael J. Sadowsky4; 1-University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2-U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, 3-Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and 4-University of Minnesota
Bacterial Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance Genes Discharged into the Duluth-Superior Harbor
Caitlin Sloan*1, Andrew J. Reed2, Michael J. Sadowsky3, and Randall E. Hicks1; 1-University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2-U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, and 3-University of Minnesota
Response to the New Zealand Mudsnail Discovery in Wisconsin
Maureen Ferry*1, Susan Graham1, Jodi Lepsch1, Laura MacFarland2, David Rowe1, Jeanne Scherer1, Deborah Seiler1, Michael Sorge1, Kris Stepenuck3, and Erin Vennie-Vollrath1; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2-River Alliance of Wisconsin, and 3-University of Wisconsin Extension
Mounting a Rapid Response to Invasive Aquatic Plants–the EDRR Experience
Phyllis Higman*1, Sue Tangora*2, and Amos Ziegler3; 1-Michigan Natural Features Inventory, 2-Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Division, and 3-Michigan State University, Applied Spatial Ecology and Technical Services Laboratory
Biology and Impact of Emerald Ash Borer & Gypsy Moth
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), Current Status in the Western Great Lakes Region
Steven Katovich, Forest Health Protection Unit, U.S. Forest Service
Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer in Black Ash Forests
Brian Palik*1, Anthony D’Amato2, and Robert A. Slesak3; 1-USDA Forest Service- Northern Research Station in Grand Rapids MN, 2-Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, and 3-Minnesota Forest Resources Council
Is Minnesota Too Cold for Gypsy Moths?
Marissa Streifel* and Brian H. Aukema, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota
Winter Mortality of Emerald Ash Borer in Minnesota: Lessons for Managers
Robert Venette*1 and Mark Abrahamson2; 1-USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and 2-Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Outreach: Working With Partners
Multi-Partner Efforts to Protect the Largest Freshwater Lake in the World from Aquatic Invasive Species
Matt Preisser*1, Marilee Chase2, Rob Hyde3, Doug Jensen4, John Jereczek5, Henry Quinlan6, Kyle Rogers7, and Michele Wheeler8; 1-Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of the Great Lakes, 2-Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 3-Environment Canada, 4-Minnesota Sea Grant, 5-Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 6-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 7-Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and 8-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Team Up for Clean Water
David Lick, Itasca Water Legacy Partnership
Educating Farmers and Ag Professionals about Invasive Species in Pesticide Training Workshops
Gary Wyatt, University of Minnesota Extension
The Power of Art Over Argument: Adapting this Concept to Advance the Invasive Species Movement
Steven Manning, Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Come Together, Right Now, Over Emerald Ash Borer
Peggy Compton*1 and Cara Carper*2; 1-University of Wisconsin-Extension and 2-Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development
Large Scale Management & Restoration
Prioritizing Large-scale Invasive Species Management on Tribal Lands: 4,300 Acres, 900 Mapped Populations, Where Do We Start?
Dan Salas*1 and Randy Poelma2; 1-Cardno and 2-Ho-Chunk Department of Environmental Health
Landscape-scale Conservation: Bridging the Gaps between Public, Private, Professional and Volunteer Conservation Efforts
Spencer Kellum and Lisa Brush*, The Stewardship Network
Yet Another Forest Restoration Project, But So Far, So Good. The Continuing Story of a Multi-year Oak Forest Restoration Effort
Paul Kortebein, Three Rivers Park District, MN
Battle Tactics from Camp Ripley; Update on the War on Invasive Species
Kayla Malone*1, Laura Donahue1, and Tim Notch2; 1-Saint Cloud State University and 2-Camp Ripley, MN
What Price Restoration: Budgeting for Invasive Species Removal and Project Maintenance
Chris May, The Nature Conservancy
Ballast Water Regulation and Implementation
Panel Discussion: Ballast Water Regulation and Implementation: Where Are We Today?
Craig Middlebrook, Deputy Administrator, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Marvorneen Dolor, Environmental Policy Consultant, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Dale Bergeron, Maritime Transportation Specialist, Great Lakes Sea Grant Network and Minnesota Sea Grant
Session 2: 10:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Aquatic Plant Management
Potential Impacts of Hybridization on Control of a Heavily Managed Invasive Plant
Syndell Parks* and Ryan Thum, Grand Valley State University’s Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute
Scientific Evaluation of Efficacy and Selectivity of Herbicide Treatments in Wisconsin Lakes
Michelle Nault*1 and John Skogerboe2; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and 2-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center
Early-Season Whole Lake Herbicide Strategies for Control of Hybrid Eurasian Water Milfoil
Eddie Heath*1, Tim Hoyman1, Michelle Nault2, and John Skogerboe3; 1-Onterra, LLC, 2-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and 3U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center
Long-term dynamics of Eurasian water milfoil in Wisconsin Lakes
Paul Frater*1, Jennifer Hauxwell1, Michelle Nault1, Martha Barton1, Ali Mikulyuk1,2, and Kelly Wagner1; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and 2-University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hand Removal of Yellow Floating Heart (Nymphoides peltata) Lake Gordon, Forest County
John Preuss*1 and Chris Hamerla*2; 1-Lumberjack Resource Conservation & Development Council (WI) and 2-Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council (Stevens Point, WI)
New Developments on Invasive Pathogens
The Search for Eastern White Pine Resistant to White Pine Blister Rust
Robert Blanchette*1, J. A. Smith2, J. J. Jacobs3, J. A. Jurgens1, T. A. Burnes1, C. Pike4, and A. J. David5; 1-University of Minnesota-St. Paul, 2-University of Florida, Gainesville, 3-US Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Albuquerque, NM, 4-University of Minnesota, Cloquet, and 5-University of Minnesota, Grand Rapids
Selecting Resistant Minnesota Elms to Combat Dutch Elm Disease
Benjamin Held*, Chad P. Giblin, Jeff H. Gillman, Garrett L. Beier, and Robert A. Blanchette, University of Minnesota-St. Paul
Butternut: New Prospects for Conservation and Restoration of a Threatened Tree
Melanie Moore*1, M.E. Ostry1, and P. Berrang2; 1-USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and 2-USDA Forest Service, Region 9
Generation of Dutch Elm Disease Tolerant American elm (Ulmus americana) Genotypes and their use for Restoration of Degraded Landscapes
James Slavicek*, Kathleen Knight, and Leila Pinchot, U.S. Forest Service, Delaware, OH
Education: Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach & K-12
AIS outreach on the Superior National Forest – Success in Capacity Building
Marte Kitson* and Jason T. Butcher, University of Minnesota Sea Grant
Educating the Public about Invasives Through Geocaching; A Classroom Citizen Science Project
Stephanie Francis, Superior School District (WI)
Engage an Army
Gertrude Jensen, Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools (MN)
Clean Boats Crew: Raising Public Awareness About Aquatic Invasive Species in Illinois and Indiana
Catherine McGlynn, Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership (NIIPP)
Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach to Alternative User Groups
Kaycie Stushek, Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc.
Innovations in Invasive Plant Management
IRVM: Innovative, Integrated Approaches to Managing Invasives in Right-of-Ways
Rebecca Kauten*1 and Wes Gibbs2,3; 1-Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa, 2-Jones County Weed Commission (IA), and 3-Association for Integrated Roadside Management (IA)
Composting's Efficacy Managing Debris From Garlic Mustard and Common Buckthorn Removal Efforts
Joe Van Rossum*1 and Mark Renz2; 1-Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center, University of Wisconsin Extension and 2-University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invasive Species Strike Team Functionality
David Crady* and Paul Bane*, Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation
Buckthorn Control Without Chemicals or Uprooting Plants with the Buckthorn Baggie
John Hamilton, Buckthorn Baggie
Tools for Early Detection and Management
GLEDN’s Smartphone App Just Got Smarter: How to Add Polygons and Report Absence of Invasive Species
Mark Renz*1, Chuck Bargeron2, and Anthony Summers1; 1-University of Wisconsin-Madison and 2-Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia
Web Based Solutions for Invasive Species Managers
Steven Manning, Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Using Habitat Suitability Models to Identify Ecozones Sensitive to Invasion by Invasive Terrestrial Plants Invading Wisconsin
Niels Jorgensen* and Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mapping Invasive Species Nationally with EDDMapS
Rebekah Wallace*, Charles T. Bargeron, David J. Moorhead, and Karan A. Rawlins, Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia
* Denotes presenting speaker(s)
Session Topic Color Key: Aquatic Forest Health Interdisciplinary Terrestrial Workshop Special Session
Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response
Occurrence of Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Veligers in Residual Water from Minnesota Watercraft
Gary Montz, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Division of Ecological and Water Resources
Toward Forecasting Microbial Invasions in the Great Lakes
Randall E. Hicks*1, Andrew J. Reed2, Brian J. Badgley3, Caitlin M. Sloan1, and Michael J. Sadowsky4; 1-University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2-U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, 3-Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and 4-University of Minnesota
Bacterial Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance Genes Discharged into the Duluth-Superior Harbor
Caitlin Sloan*1, Andrew J. Reed2, Michael J. Sadowsky3, and Randall E. Hicks1; 1-University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2-U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, and 3-University of Minnesota
Response to the New Zealand Mudsnail Discovery in Wisconsin
Maureen Ferry*1, Susan Graham1, Jodi Lepsch1, Laura MacFarland2, David Rowe1, Jeanne Scherer1, Deborah Seiler1, Michael Sorge1, Kris Stepenuck3, and Erin Vennie-Vollrath1; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2-River Alliance of Wisconsin, and 3-University of Wisconsin Extension
Mounting a Rapid Response to Invasive Aquatic Plants–the EDRR Experience
Phyllis Higman*1, Sue Tangora*2, and Amos Ziegler3; 1-Michigan Natural Features Inventory, 2-Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Division, and 3-Michigan State University, Applied Spatial Ecology and Technical Services Laboratory
Biology and Impact of Emerald Ash Borer & Gypsy Moth
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), Current Status in the Western Great Lakes Region
Steven Katovich, Forest Health Protection Unit, U.S. Forest Service
Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer in Black Ash Forests
Brian Palik*1, Anthony D’Amato2, and Robert A. Slesak3; 1-USDA Forest Service- Northern Research Station in Grand Rapids MN, 2-Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, and 3-Minnesota Forest Resources Council
Is Minnesota Too Cold for Gypsy Moths?
Marissa Streifel* and Brian H. Aukema, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota
Winter Mortality of Emerald Ash Borer in Minnesota: Lessons for Managers
Robert Venette*1 and Mark Abrahamson2; 1-USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and 2-Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Outreach: Working With Partners
Multi-Partner Efforts to Protect the Largest Freshwater Lake in the World from Aquatic Invasive Species
Matt Preisser*1, Marilee Chase2, Rob Hyde3, Doug Jensen4, John Jereczek5, Henry Quinlan6, Kyle Rogers7, and Michele Wheeler8; 1-Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of the Great Lakes, 2-Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 3-Environment Canada, 4-Minnesota Sea Grant, 5-Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 6-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 7-Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and 8-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Team Up for Clean Water
David Lick, Itasca Water Legacy Partnership
Educating Farmers and Ag Professionals about Invasive Species in Pesticide Training Workshops
Gary Wyatt, University of Minnesota Extension
The Power of Art Over Argument: Adapting this Concept to Advance the Invasive Species Movement
Steven Manning, Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Come Together, Right Now, Over Emerald Ash Borer
Peggy Compton*1 and Cara Carper*2; 1-University of Wisconsin-Extension and 2-Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development
Large Scale Management & Restoration
Prioritizing Large-scale Invasive Species Management on Tribal Lands: 4,300 Acres, 900 Mapped Populations, Where Do We Start?
Dan Salas*1 and Randy Poelma2; 1-Cardno and 2-Ho-Chunk Department of Environmental Health
Landscape-scale Conservation: Bridging the Gaps between Public, Private, Professional and Volunteer Conservation Efforts
Spencer Kellum and Lisa Brush*, The Stewardship Network
Yet Another Forest Restoration Project, But So Far, So Good. The Continuing Story of a Multi-year Oak Forest Restoration Effort
Paul Kortebein, Three Rivers Park District, MN
Battle Tactics from Camp Ripley; Update on the War on Invasive Species
Kayla Malone*1, Laura Donahue1, and Tim Notch2; 1-Saint Cloud State University and 2-Camp Ripley, MN
What Price Restoration: Budgeting for Invasive Species Removal and Project Maintenance
Chris May, The Nature Conservancy
Ballast Water Regulation and Implementation
Panel Discussion: Ballast Water Regulation and Implementation: Where Are We Today?
Craig Middlebrook, Deputy Administrator, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Marvorneen Dolor, Environmental Policy Consultant, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Dale Bergeron, Maritime Transportation Specialist, Great Lakes Sea Grant Network and Minnesota Sea Grant
Session 2: 10:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Aquatic Plant Management
Potential Impacts of Hybridization on Control of a Heavily Managed Invasive Plant
Syndell Parks* and Ryan Thum, Grand Valley State University’s Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute
Scientific Evaluation of Efficacy and Selectivity of Herbicide Treatments in Wisconsin Lakes
Michelle Nault*1 and John Skogerboe2; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and 2-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center
Early-Season Whole Lake Herbicide Strategies for Control of Hybrid Eurasian Water Milfoil
Eddie Heath*1, Tim Hoyman1, Michelle Nault2, and John Skogerboe3; 1-Onterra, LLC, 2-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and 3U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center
Long-term dynamics of Eurasian water milfoil in Wisconsin Lakes
Paul Frater*1, Jennifer Hauxwell1, Michelle Nault1, Martha Barton1, Ali Mikulyuk1,2, and Kelly Wagner1; 1-Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and 2-University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hand Removal of Yellow Floating Heart (Nymphoides peltata) Lake Gordon, Forest County
John Preuss*1 and Chris Hamerla*2; 1-Lumberjack Resource Conservation & Development Council (WI) and 2-Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council (Stevens Point, WI)
New Developments on Invasive Pathogens
The Search for Eastern White Pine Resistant to White Pine Blister Rust
Robert Blanchette*1, J. A. Smith2, J. J. Jacobs3, J. A. Jurgens1, T. A. Burnes1, C. Pike4, and A. J. David5; 1-University of Minnesota-St. Paul, 2-University of Florida, Gainesville, 3-US Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Albuquerque, NM, 4-University of Minnesota, Cloquet, and 5-University of Minnesota, Grand Rapids
Selecting Resistant Minnesota Elms to Combat Dutch Elm Disease
Benjamin Held*, Chad P. Giblin, Jeff H. Gillman, Garrett L. Beier, and Robert A. Blanchette, University of Minnesota-St. Paul
Butternut: New Prospects for Conservation and Restoration of a Threatened Tree
Melanie Moore*1, M.E. Ostry1, and P. Berrang2; 1-USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and 2-USDA Forest Service, Region 9
Generation of Dutch Elm Disease Tolerant American elm (Ulmus americana) Genotypes and their use for Restoration of Degraded Landscapes
James Slavicek*, Kathleen Knight, and Leila Pinchot, U.S. Forest Service, Delaware, OH
Education: Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach & K-12
AIS outreach on the Superior National Forest – Success in Capacity Building
Marte Kitson* and Jason T. Butcher, University of Minnesota Sea Grant
Educating the Public about Invasives Through Geocaching; A Classroom Citizen Science Project
Stephanie Francis, Superior School District (WI)
Engage an Army
Gertrude Jensen, Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools (MN)
Clean Boats Crew: Raising Public Awareness About Aquatic Invasive Species in Illinois and Indiana
Catherine McGlynn, Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership (NIIPP)
Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach to Alternative User Groups
Kaycie Stushek, Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc.
Innovations in Invasive Plant Management
IRVM: Innovative, Integrated Approaches to Managing Invasives in Right-of-Ways
Rebecca Kauten*1 and Wes Gibbs2,3; 1-Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa, 2-Jones County Weed Commission (IA), and 3-Association for Integrated Roadside Management (IA)
Composting's Efficacy Managing Debris From Garlic Mustard and Common Buckthorn Removal Efforts
Joe Van Rossum*1 and Mark Renz2; 1-Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center, University of Wisconsin Extension and 2-University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invasive Species Strike Team Functionality
David Crady* and Paul Bane*, Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation
Buckthorn Control Without Chemicals or Uprooting Plants with the Buckthorn Baggie
John Hamilton, Buckthorn Baggie
Tools for Early Detection and Management
GLEDN’s Smartphone App Just Got Smarter: How to Add Polygons and Report Absence of Invasive Species
Mark Renz*1, Chuck Bargeron2, and Anthony Summers1; 1-University of Wisconsin-Madison and 2-Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia
Web Based Solutions for Invasive Species Managers
Steven Manning, Invasive Plant Control, Inc.
Using Habitat Suitability Models to Identify Ecozones Sensitive to Invasion by Invasive Terrestrial Plants Invading Wisconsin
Niels Jorgensen* and Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mapping Invasive Species Nationally with EDDMapS
Rebekah Wallace*, Charles T. Bargeron, David J. Moorhead, and Karan A. Rawlins, Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia
* Denotes presenting speaker(s)
Session Topic Color Key: Aquatic Forest Health Interdisciplinary Terrestrial Workshop Special Session