Frequently Asked Questions (Speaker Edition)
How will remote oral presentation sessions work?
The ideal is that oral presenters will give their presentation live at the assigned time via Zoom webinar. However, speakers who are not able to deliver a live presentation may pre-record it. Ideally, speakers will enable webcams and screen sharing so that the audience is able to see the speaker's face and slides simultaneously. Stay tuned for more details and guidance.
How will Q&A work?
Speakers who can participate live will receive audience questions from the session moderator. Questions that are not asked live will be sent to speakers after the event and responses will be posted to the session page.
Do remote presenters have to register for UMISC?
We strongly encourage our speakers to register for the whole conference (at a discounted rate) in order to network with the audience and learn from colleagues. However, if you cannot attend sessions beyond your own, you will be able to request a waiver.
Will my oral presentation be recorded?
We would like to record UMISC sessions and make the recordings available to registrants for a set period of time after the event. However, we recognize that some speakers will have reservations about being recorded. Speakers will be able to opt out of being recorded if such recording would preclude them for participating.
The ideal is that oral presenters will give their presentation live at the assigned time via Zoom webinar. However, speakers who are not able to deliver a live presentation may pre-record it. Ideally, speakers will enable webcams and screen sharing so that the audience is able to see the speaker's face and slides simultaneously. Stay tuned for more details and guidance.
How will Q&A work?
Speakers who can participate live will receive audience questions from the session moderator. Questions that are not asked live will be sent to speakers after the event and responses will be posted to the session page.
Do remote presenters have to register for UMISC?
We strongly encourage our speakers to register for the whole conference (at a discounted rate) in order to network with the audience and learn from colleagues. However, if you cannot attend sessions beyond your own, you will be able to request a waiver.
Will my oral presentation be recorded?
We would like to record UMISC sessions and make the recordings available to registrants for a set period of time after the event. However, we recognize that some speakers will have reservations about being recorded. Speakers will be able to opt out of being recorded if such recording would preclude them for participating.