Poster Presentations
Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference in Edmund Fitzgerald Hall.
Hand Removal of Yellow Floating Heart (Nymphoides peltata) Lake Gordon, Forest County
John Preuss* 1 and Chris Hamerla 2, 1-Lumberjack Resource Conservation and Development Council; 2-Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Stevens Point, WI
Evaluating Large Scale Invasive Weed Management in Superior National Forest
Angelique Edgerton, Cook County Invasives Team; Michael Lynch, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and Jack Greenlee, USDA Forest Service - Superior National Forest
Working to Protect 1854 Ceded Territory Resources from Invasive Species
Tyler Kaspar, 1854 Treaty Authority
Fighting Invasives on Three Fronts - One Lake Association's Journey
Karen Sutherland, Dale Gustafson, Don Peterson, Charlotte Quiggle, Sugar Lake Association
Wasp Watchers: Minnesota’s Efforts to use Citizen Scientists to do EAB Biosurveillance
Angela Gupta, Jennifer Schultz, Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension; Monika Chandler, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Potential for DNA-based ID of Great Lakes Fauna: Species Inventories vs. Barcode Libraries
Anett Trebitz, Joel Hoffman, Erik Pilgrim, George Grant, Tyler Billehus, Greg Peterson, Jack Kelly, US Environmental Protection Agency
Treatment Effects on Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) at Effigy Mounds National Monument
Craig Young, Lloyd W. Morrison, Jennifer L. Haack-Gaynor, Sherry A. Leis, and Jordan C. Bell, National Park Service Heartland I&M Network -
Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
Biological Control of Garlic Mustard with Crown-Boring and Seed-Feeding Weevils
Elizabeth Katovich, Roger Becker, University of Minnesota; Esther Gerber and Hariet Hinz, CABI Switzerland; Laura Van Riper, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Richard Reardon, USDA-Forest Service
AIS Jr. Inspector Program: Engaging Children to Stop the Spread of AIS
Lindsey Albright, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Adapting Forestry Best Management Practices for Minnesota
Laura Van Riper, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Buckthorn Aerial Detection Program
Dennis Kepler, Joel Perrington, MN DNR Division of Forestry, Resource Assessment; Susan Burks - MN DNR Division of Forestry
Differentiating Responses to Terrestrial Invasive Species: Explorations Among Minnesota State Park Visitors
Alex Schlueter, Ingrid E. Schneider, University of Minnesota; Arne Arnberger, BOKU, Austria; Rob Venette, Stephanie Snyder, USDA Forest Service;
Stuart Cottrell, Colorado State University
Quantifying Aquatic Invasion Patterns through Space and Time,
Elon O'Malia, Joel Hoffman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Duluth, MN Office
Perceptions of Invasive Species & their Control among the Minnesota Tourism Industry
Ingrid Schneider, Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota Tourism Center
Tracking and Mapping Methodolgy of Common (Rhamnus cathartica) and Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnus): Practices and Procedure
Stephanie Gibeau, Cheryl Skafte, City of Duluth, Minnesota
The Search for Properties that Lead to Bioavailability in Aquatic Species
Tammy Clark,Terrence Hubert, Paul Yanzer, Ryan Lepak, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
GLIFWC Ceded Territory Forest Pest Environmental Regulatory Project
Steven Garske, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
Evaluating Non-Detection Risk Associated with Next Generation Metabarcoding Techniques for Species Identification
Chelsea Hatzenbuhler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Performance Measures for Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Monitoring: Lake Superior Success Story
Greg Peterson, Joel Hoffman, Anett Trebitz, U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Duluth, MN; Josh Schloesser, Henry Quinlan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ashland, WI; John R. Kelly, U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Duluth, MN
Paddle the Pearls-- Piloting A New Strategy for Aquatic Invasive Species Training
Diane Daulton, Cathy Techtmann,University of Wisconsin-Extension
A review of Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) Life History and Implications for Spread
Michelle Gutsch, Joel Hoffman, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Analysis of Minnesota DNR Data Pertaining to Purple Loosestrife Management and Biological Control
Avery Jensen, Hannah Houle, Kyle LeDuc and Michelle Marko
Quantitative Analysis of the Efficacy of Biological Control of Purple loosestrife in Minnesota
Thea Gessler, Michelle Marko, Concordia College
Development of a Cellular Assay to Determine Cytotoxicity in Fish Cells
Justine Nelson, Tammy Clark, Viterbo University
Fruit Fall Timing and Effects of Prescribed Burning on Recruitment of Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
Becca Scheunemann, Peter Orlando, and Timothy Kuhman, Edgewood College Department of Biological Sciences
Interactions among Invasive Species in Midwestern Lakes: a Mesocosm Experiment
Adrienne Gemberling* and John Havel, Missouri State University
Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) Grecian Foxglove (Digitalis lanata) Herbicide Trials in Areas Containing Both Species in Afton Minnesota
Jordan Kralewski* and Lee Shambeau, 4 Control Inc.
How Healthy are Minnesota’s Forests? Insights using Indicators from the FIA Program
Matthew Russell1*, Angela Gupta2, Eli Sagor3, Linda Nagel1,4; 1-University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources, 2-University of Minnesota Extension, 3-Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative, and 4-Cloquet Forestry Center
John Preuss* 1 and Chris Hamerla 2, 1-Lumberjack Resource Conservation and Development Council; 2-Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Stevens Point, WI
Evaluating Large Scale Invasive Weed Management in Superior National Forest
Angelique Edgerton, Cook County Invasives Team; Michael Lynch, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and Jack Greenlee, USDA Forest Service - Superior National Forest
Working to Protect 1854 Ceded Territory Resources from Invasive Species
Tyler Kaspar, 1854 Treaty Authority
Fighting Invasives on Three Fronts - One Lake Association's Journey
Karen Sutherland, Dale Gustafson, Don Peterson, Charlotte Quiggle, Sugar Lake Association
Wasp Watchers: Minnesota’s Efforts to use Citizen Scientists to do EAB Biosurveillance
Angela Gupta, Jennifer Schultz, Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Extension; Monika Chandler, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Potential for DNA-based ID of Great Lakes Fauna: Species Inventories vs. Barcode Libraries
Anett Trebitz, Joel Hoffman, Erik Pilgrim, George Grant, Tyler Billehus, Greg Peterson, Jack Kelly, US Environmental Protection Agency
Treatment Effects on Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) at Effigy Mounds National Monument
Craig Young, Lloyd W. Morrison, Jennifer L. Haack-Gaynor, Sherry A. Leis, and Jordan C. Bell, National Park Service Heartland I&M Network -
Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
Biological Control of Garlic Mustard with Crown-Boring and Seed-Feeding Weevils
Elizabeth Katovich, Roger Becker, University of Minnesota; Esther Gerber and Hariet Hinz, CABI Switzerland; Laura Van Riper, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Richard Reardon, USDA-Forest Service
AIS Jr. Inspector Program: Engaging Children to Stop the Spread of AIS
Lindsey Albright, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Adapting Forestry Best Management Practices for Minnesota
Laura Van Riper, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Buckthorn Aerial Detection Program
Dennis Kepler, Joel Perrington, MN DNR Division of Forestry, Resource Assessment; Susan Burks - MN DNR Division of Forestry
Differentiating Responses to Terrestrial Invasive Species: Explorations Among Minnesota State Park Visitors
Alex Schlueter, Ingrid E. Schneider, University of Minnesota; Arne Arnberger, BOKU, Austria; Rob Venette, Stephanie Snyder, USDA Forest Service;
Stuart Cottrell, Colorado State University
Quantifying Aquatic Invasion Patterns through Space and Time,
Elon O'Malia, Joel Hoffman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Duluth, MN Office
Perceptions of Invasive Species & their Control among the Minnesota Tourism Industry
Ingrid Schneider, Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota Tourism Center
Tracking and Mapping Methodolgy of Common (Rhamnus cathartica) and Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnus): Practices and Procedure
Stephanie Gibeau, Cheryl Skafte, City of Duluth, Minnesota
The Search for Properties that Lead to Bioavailability in Aquatic Species
Tammy Clark,Terrence Hubert, Paul Yanzer, Ryan Lepak, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
GLIFWC Ceded Territory Forest Pest Environmental Regulatory Project
Steven Garske, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
Evaluating Non-Detection Risk Associated with Next Generation Metabarcoding Techniques for Species Identification
Chelsea Hatzenbuhler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Performance Measures for Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Monitoring: Lake Superior Success Story
Greg Peterson, Joel Hoffman, Anett Trebitz, U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Duluth, MN; Josh Schloesser, Henry Quinlan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ashland, WI; John R. Kelly, U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Duluth, MN
Paddle the Pearls-- Piloting A New Strategy for Aquatic Invasive Species Training
Diane Daulton, Cathy Techtmann,University of Wisconsin-Extension
A review of Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) Life History and Implications for Spread
Michelle Gutsch, Joel Hoffman, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Analysis of Minnesota DNR Data Pertaining to Purple Loosestrife Management and Biological Control
Avery Jensen, Hannah Houle, Kyle LeDuc and Michelle Marko
Quantitative Analysis of the Efficacy of Biological Control of Purple loosestrife in Minnesota
Thea Gessler, Michelle Marko, Concordia College
Development of a Cellular Assay to Determine Cytotoxicity in Fish Cells
Justine Nelson, Tammy Clark, Viterbo University
Fruit Fall Timing and Effects of Prescribed Burning on Recruitment of Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
Becca Scheunemann, Peter Orlando, and Timothy Kuhman, Edgewood College Department of Biological Sciences
Interactions among Invasive Species in Midwestern Lakes: a Mesocosm Experiment
Adrienne Gemberling* and John Havel, Missouri State University
Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) Grecian Foxglove (Digitalis lanata) Herbicide Trials in Areas Containing Both Species in Afton Minnesota
Jordan Kralewski* and Lee Shambeau, 4 Control Inc.
How Healthy are Minnesota’s Forests? Insights using Indicators from the FIA Program
Matthew Russell1*, Angela Gupta2, Eli Sagor3, Linda Nagel1,4; 1-University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources, 2-University of Minnesota Extension, 3-Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative, and 4-Cloquet Forestry Center